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[歌曲] Need_For_Speed_Hot_Pursuit_2010_OST

01. 30 Seconds To Mars - Closer To The Edge
  02. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Conscience Killer
  03. Chiddy Bang - Opposite Of Adults
  04. Deadmau5 Feat. Sofia Toufa - Sofi Needs A Ladder (Fractal System remix)
  05. Does It Offend You, Yeah All The Same
  06. Giant Song ? Funeral Party
  07. Greenskeepers - Live Like You Wanna Live
  08. Hadouken! - Bombshock
  09. Killa Kela - Get A Rise
  10. Klaxons - Echoes
  11. Klaxons - Twin Flames
  12. Dead By April - Stronger
  13. Lemonade - Big Weekend
  14. Bad Religion - The Resist Stance
  15. Lupe Fiasco feat. Matthew Santos - Shining Down
  16. Maximum Balloon feat. Theophilus London - Groove Me
  17. M.I.A. - Born Free
  18. New Politics - Yeah Yeah Yeah
  19. Pendulum - Watercolour
  20. Pint Shot Riot - Nothing From You (Redanka Remix)
  21. Plan B - Stay Too Long (Pendulum Remix)
  22. Teddybears - Devil's Music (feat. ADL)
  23. We Have Band ? ?Divisive? (Tom Starr mix)
  24. Travie McCoy - Superbad (11-34)
  25. Weezer - Ruling Me
  26. White Lies - Bigger Than Us (Live South Side Festival 2010)
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